The Doble & Strong Rug Collection by Behruz Studio, profiled in UK Cover Magazine, Summer 2015
The Doble & Strong Rug Collection by Behruz Studio, profiled in UK Cover Magazine, Summer 2015
Jason Mowen profiled in Vogue Living with works by Doble & Strong.
Doble & Strong work featured in the room designed for Design for Mirabel by Charlotte Coote.
Robert Doble and Doble & Strong works appear in this beautiful Sydney interior by Jason Mowen, featured in Belle, October 2014
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Sancintya Simpson interviews Robert Doble & Simon Strong: QCP Profile of the Month
Painter Robert Doble and photographer Simon Strong, work as a collaborative to create works which mix their mediums. Thick, textural paint, layer glossy type-c prints. The duo photograph and paint sensuous nudes, grotesque and fetishistic; the themes derived from medicines current impact on contemporary society.
The Murdoch Childrens Research Institute "Art For Science" Art Auction is on again this year to raise funds for the institute. Doble & Strong have contributed a new work to the auction.
The work is entitled Sensory 2011, gloss enamel on chromogenic print mounted on aluminium composite board 124.0 x 86.5 cm, courtesy of Blockprojects.
We thank Victor at Colour Square for donating the framing of this work.
"Prosoma" curated into the exhibition "Artist Artists" curated by Robert Hirschmann at Benalla Art Gallery, from 30 July - 25 September 2011.
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"Dur Mater" shown in "Wattle Contemporary Australian Art at The Cat Street Gallery, Hong Kong from 24 Feburary – 26 March 2011.
2009-2023 © Doble & Strong